Oh man, this is a special one. I’ve photographed Savanna since we were about 16 years old, and have seen her get engaged, married, and now I’m photographing the newest addition to her sweet little family! It’s crazy how much things have changed over the past few years, but I’m so thankful for friends who stick around as time goes by! Baby Jasper is just the most precious little guy and I  think babies on film is my new favorite thing ever!

Motherhood is so special and incredibly beautiful, and is something I would love to photograph more of! If you’re a new mom, (or even if you have older kids!) let me encourage you to get in front of the camera with your child! Throughout his life, you will probably be the person who is in the least amount of photos with him, because you’ll more than likely be the one behind the camera snapping the photos! Don’t just do this for yourself to remember his tiny little fingers and squishy cheeks, also do it for him – because one day, years down the road, these will be some of his most cherished images because you were his most cherished person. <3


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